Born to Read Program

What is Born to Read?

Born to Read is the Becket Athenaeum’s program to introduce reading as a key component of early childhood. Every infant born in Becket and Washington will receive a Born to Read canvas bag filled with two board books and a copy of How to Raise a Reader by Pamela Paul and Maria Russo for caregivers. Families will also receive a coupon for a third, free board book to be picked up at the Athenaeum.

Why read to my newborn?

The idea for the Becket Athenaeum’s Born to Read program is taken from the American Library Association’s tried and tested national program that introduces parents to their critical role in reading to infants. Reading to infants stimulates their brain development by introducing them to a greater number of words and more complex language. One-on-one reading time also conveys to an infant feelings of safety, love, and emotional attachment.

Born to Read books include:

Hello, Bugs | Moo, Baa, La La La | Little Blue Truck | The Pout Pout Fish | The Very Hungry Caterpillar | We're Going on a Bear Hunt | The Snowy Day | Kindness Makes Us Strong | Besos for Baby: A Little Book of Kisses

Need to get out of the house? Bring your kiddos to the Athenaeum!

Spend the day with us. We have:

  • Daily crafts and a free-form craft table

  • Puzzles, games, and toys for all ages, including many which can be checked out and taken home

  • Tablets and computers for gaming and homework in the library plus free WiFi available 24/7 from our grounds

  • Cozy nooks for reading

  • Educational gardens and outdoor spaces for everyone’s enjoyment

  • Thousands of books, movies, and more for all ages


Did you know?

There are no age restrictions on a Becket Athenaeum library card - you may register your child (or yourself!) for a library card as soon as you’d like!

We offer free, healthy snacks and beverages at most Children’s programs. Our restroom houses a baby changing station and we always have free diapers and wipes.

We are so excited to introduce ‘Born to Read’ to the Becket and Washington community. In addition to helping families start down the path of a lifelong love of reading and learning, we want this program to send the message that we at the Becket Athenaeum will meet families where they are through such off-site programs, and more importantly, that we are here for children from the day they’re born.
— Becket Athenaeum Executive Director

More resources for kids & caregivers

  • Museum passes: discounted or free admission to a variety of local cultural institutions, ranging from the Berkshire Museum to the Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art!

Born to Read is funded by the Central Berkshire Fund of the Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation.