The services and programs we offer would not be possible without the generous support of our patrons, volunteers, and donations from individuals, businesses, and organizations.
Thank you to the following individuals for their donations since 2022:
*Member of Becket Athenaeum 1888 Legacy Society
Anonymous (8)
Lisa Abeles & George Cohen
Rika Alper & John McElwain
Marianne Alvarez
Rebecca Alvarez
in memory of Esther Moulthrop, my grandmother and former BA librarian
Tom Andrew & Katy Bick
Michael Appel & Tamar Miller
Lynn & Michael Aptman
Including a gift in honor of Purr McEwen and Henry Hagenah
Ulli Arlt
Amy Attias*
Judy & Steve August
Austin-Nurick Family Fund
Bill & June Babcock
Baglio Family
Gary Barbash
Brian & Rebecca Barth
in honor of Kenny & Paula
Sally Baumer & Rosie Bleyer
Aaron & Jennifer Beatty
in memory of Amelia Jennifer Beatty
Michael & Renee Beatty
in memory of Amelia Jennifer Beatty
Pilar Bellido-Sharpton
Eila Bell & Dean Williams
Lenore Berck
Rob Bildner & Elisa Spungen Bildner
Eva Birkett
Grace Blank & Janet Liss
Lee & Sid Blatt
Victoria & Andrew Bleier
Susan Block-Lieb & Peter Lieb
Deborah Blum-Shore & Peter Shore
Ellen Bond
Fran & Robert Boonin
Bruce & Elaine Bosworth
Stacey Bosworth
Patti Boynton & Bill Mulholland
Kathleen Braden & Jerry Keusch
Helen Bramlett
Luz Bravo-Gleicher
Steven Brown & Lisa Oram
Philip Bukowski
Linda Burt
Christine Cameron
Pam Caropreso
Paul Cashman
Cawein/Reca Family
Leita Chalfin
Eugene & Jeanne-Marie Christensen
Margi Coggins & Andrew Ziegler
Mary & Robert Cohen
Sarah Clapper
Marieanne & Philip Clark
Anna & Charles Corcoran
Josh Coben & Djuna Perkins
Susan Colgan & Peter Matson
Linda Colvin
in memory of my mom, Phyllis Benedict
Ron Corti
Barbara Craft-Reiss & Steven Reiss
Judy Cromwell
Cheryl Cucinello & Andrew Linfante Jr.
Margaret Darcy
Joan Davidson
Carol Davis & Joel Marcus
David Defilippo & Lisa Shapiro
Cathy & Ron Defoe
Cecelia & William Deforge
Deb Deloye
in memory of Paul & Mary Loughlan
Fred & Nancy Desantis
Steve DesRoberts & Nancy Small
Barry J. & Judi Dichter
Dave & Kathy Dickinson
David & Tricia Drugmand
Abby Dubow
Beth & Tom Duff
Delsie & Jeremy Dunn
Denis & Diane Duquette
David & Marsha Edell
Susan & William Eisenberg
Sally Eldred
David & Gail Ellis
Lei-Anne Ellis
Allan & Dorothy Erickson
Jane Falcone
Edward & Jane Farman
Libby & Steve Feldman
Arnold & Marilyn Fish
Jayne & Stuart Fisher
Laura & Richard Fredricks
in memory of Emily Claire Fredricks
David & Fiona Friar
Charles & Judi Friedlaender
Wendy Furlong
Rita Furlong
James & Maxine Frank
Chuck Garman* & Purr McEwen*
John Garvey
Teresa Gaze
in memory of Joseph Gaze
Michelle Gersen & Michael Zweig
Robert & Sue Gerstle
Bruce & Rita Gilbert
Mitchell S. Gilbert
Susan Ginns
Barbara & Ted Ginsburg
Lee & Ruth Glazerman
including a gift in honor of the birthdays of Sonnia & Jay Freilich
Phyllis Glazerman
Jerry & Roberta Goldman
Colin Goundrey
Julia & Robb Grace
Maureen Grant
Robin Greenspan
Robert Gross & Barbara Wacholder
Arthur & Gloria Grossman
Daphna Gutman
Alice Hackman
Anne & Henry Hagenah
including a gift in lovely memory of Lorraine “LD” Donnelly
Fran & Michael Hamburg
Mark & Theresa Hanford
Carole Hart & Diane Tufaro
Scott & Tina Hayward
Jane Heffner Charitable Fund
in memory of Harold & Jane Heffner
Lynn Hertzog
Kelly Hill
Katherine Hoak
including a gift in memory of Beth & Lynne Schirmer
Nancy Holmes
in memory of Amelia Jennifer Beatty
Steven & Susan Hovani
Lynn Howard
Jan & Jim Huebner
Diane & Ed Iannuccilli
Ellyn Ihrig
Minna Immerman
Alex Jack
Cynthia & James Jensen
Esther & Jerald Jewell
Ann Jon
Leslie Jones
Iva & Lenny Kalikow
Judith & Roger Kamm
Brian & Tonya Keener
Joan Keener
Jules & Susan Kerman
Warren Kiersh
Helen Kimball
Garth & Marianne Klimchuck
Judith Koppel
Ann & David Krawet
including a gift in memory of Margie Rosenthal
David Labrecque & Rebecca Perry
in honor of Richard J. Labrecque
Bev & John Lambert
Karen Landsman
Bruce Lederer & Sandy Machson
Rose Lederman
Aviva & David Lee-Parritz
Peter Lehrer & Harriet Stolper
Michael & Tina Levasseur
Linda Levernoch
Mark Levernoch
Michael Levin
Adele Levine
Len & Sherry Levine
James Levy
Barbara Liftman
Daniel Lilly
including a gift in memory of Bob Podolski
Nan & Allan Lipton
in memory of Eve Cholmar
Diana London
Joanna London
including a gift in memory of Alma & Alvin Rosenson
Paul London* & Paula Stern*
Karen Ludington & Tom Lynch
David Lyons
Robin Magistrali
Edward & Laura Mahoney
Jane Markham
Leslie & Richard Marx
Massini/Reedy Family
Sara Matson
Janet McKinley
Meg Megas & Mark Schnopp
Nicole Menage
Katie Metter
Chuck & Paul Miller
The Miners
Keith & Linda Minoff
Jeanne Morano
Lorraine Morissette
Ann, Mat, Nadine, & Jack Morrison
Timothy Morrison
John R. Morrow
Bev & Gerry Nacheman
Arthur Nappo
Ed Neumuth
David & Elizabeth Oakes
including a gift in memory of Mary-Louise Nickerson
Michael & Robin O’Grady
Fred & Jessica Olefson
John Osthoff
Rolf Pardula
Pat Parkins
Dan & Marcia Parnell
David Pearson
Floyd Pease Sr & Madeleine VanOrman
Andrea & David Pecor
including gifts in memory of Amelia Jennifer Beatty & Jeff Piemont
Margie Rosenthal
Arline Potash
including a gift in memory of Leonard Potash
Djuna Perkins and Joshua Coben
in honor of Michael Perkins
Amy Perlmutter
Jeff & Lisa Piemont
Judy & Michael Pillinger
RCF Giving Fund Fund, a Donor Advised Fund of Renaissance Charitable Foundation
Anne & Hans Riemer
Barbara Roberts
in memory of Lucille Pell
Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas Rockoff
Kathleen Post & Margaret Rodriquez
Kathleen Rodhouse
Margie Rosenthal
Ruth & Steve Rosenthal
including gifts in memory of Marjorie Rosenthal and in honor of Joan Goldberg’s 60th birthday
Lydia Rosner
Sara Ross
in honor of Nana
Bonnie & John Sandel
Lucy & Philip Sandler*
Sapir Family
Debbie Sawyer
in memory of Michael Sawyer
Donna Schaefer
Schuman/Brown/London/Ottinger families
in honor of Ronni Schuman Brown who appreciated the book discussions and spirit of the Becket Athenaeum
Schwartz Family
Ruby Senie
Linda Shaw
Betty Sheinkman
David & Debbie Sheridan
Clark & Marcia Silcox
Kim Sinopoli
Evelyn Skelly
Carlos & Sara Sluzki
Ann & Ken Smith
Sally Soluri
Theresa Sorrentino
in memory of Joseph Sorrentino
C. Smolinksy
Dick Spencer
David & Ruth Stein
Mary & Scott Street
Hannah Sukonick
Ann C. Sullivan
Marilyn Taylor
Cathy & Henry Terwedow
John Thier
Elizabeth Thomson
Daniel Thornton
Beth & Warren Tischler
Deborah & Neil Toomey
Naomi Torrisi
David & Wayne Van Zandt
in memory of Genevieve Van Zandt & Lucile Pell
Pat Wint
Alan & Laurie Walker
Maria Wallington
Aurelia Walsh
Doug & Geri Walter
Lisa Warren
Warren Family
Celeste Watman
Lee & Robert Watroba
Elizabeth Watson
Laurie Weinstein
Lynn & Michael Weisberg
Valerie Welts
Andrea Wiley
including gifts in in memory of Marilyn Wiley
Consuelo & Jeff Wilkinson
Amy Wishingrad
Joseph C. Witruk
Robin & Stan Wolkoff
in honor of Sheldon Berger
John & Patricia Young
Joanne Zannoni
Becket Volunteer Firefighters’ Association
in memory of Madeleine SwindlehurstNeenah Tech Charitable Giving
Thank you to the following businesses & organizations for their donations since 2022:
Charlotte Williams Rag Dolls
Concerned Residents of Becket
Devanny-Condron Funeral Home in memory of Madeline Swindlehurst
Estee Lauder
Mark A. Levernoch Plumbing & Heating
October Mountain Foundation Inc
Pfizer, Inc.
Pioneer Plumbing
We enjoy collaborating with many local businesses, groups, and organizations:
Girl Scout Troop #40367
Town of Becket Summer Camp