The services and programs we offer would not be possible without the generous support of our patrons, volunteers, and donations from individuals, businesses, and organizations.

Children & Adults singing with guitars


Thank you to the following individuals for their donations since 2022:

*Member of Becket Athenaeum 1888 Legacy Society

Anonymous (8)
Lisa Abeles & George Cohen
Rika Alper & John McElwain
Marianne Alvarez
Rebecca Alvarez
in memory of Esther Moulthrop, my grandmother and former BA librarian
Tom Andrew & Katy Bick
Michael Appel & Tamar Miller
Lynn & Michael Aptman
Including a gift in honor of Purr McEwen and Henry Hagenah
Ulli Arlt
Amy Attias*
Judy & Steve August
Austin-Nurick Family Fund
Bill & June Babcock
Baglio Family
Gary Barbash
Brian & Rebecca Barth
in honor of Kenny & Paula
Sally Baumer & Rosie Bleyer
Aaron & Jennifer Beatty
in memory of Amelia Jennifer Beatty
Michael & Renee Beatty
in memory of Amelia Jennifer Beatty
Pilar Bellido-Sharpton
Eila Bell & Dean Williams
Lenore Berck
Rob Bildner & Elisa Spungen Bildner
Eva Birkett
Grace Blank & Janet Liss
Lee & Sid Blatt
Victoria & Andrew Bleier
Susan Block-Lieb & Peter Lieb
Deborah Blum-Shore & Peter Shore
Ellen Bond
Fran & Robert Boonin
Bruce & Elaine Bosworth
Stacey Bosworth
Patti Boynton & Bill Mulholland
Kathleen Braden & Jerry Keusch
Helen Bramlett
Luz Bravo-Gleicher
Steven Brown & Lisa Oram
Philip Bukowski
Linda Burt
Christine Cameron
Pam Caropreso
Paul Cashman
Cawein/Reca Family
Leita Chalfin
Eugene & Jeanne-Marie Christensen
Margi Coggins & Andrew Ziegler
Mary & Robert Cohen
Sarah Clapper
Marieanne & Philip Clark
Anna & Charles Corcoran
Josh Coben & Djuna Perkins
Susan Colgan & Peter Matson
Linda Colvin
in memory of my mom, Phyllis Benedict
Ron Corti
Barbara Craft-Reiss & Steven Reiss
Judy Cromwell
Cheryl Cucinello & Andrew Linfante Jr.
Margaret Darcy
Joan Davidson
Carol Davis & Joel Marcus
David Defilippo & Lisa Shapiro
Cathy & Ron Defoe
Cecelia & William Deforge
Deb Deloye
in memory of Paul & Mary Loughlan
Fred & Nancy Desantis
Steve DesRoberts & Nancy Small
Barry J. & Judi Dichter
Dave & Kathy Dickinson
David & Tricia Drugmand
Abby Dubow
Beth & Tom Duff
Delsie & Jeremy Dunn
Denis & Diane Duquette
David & Marsha Edell
Susan & William Eisenberg
Sally Eldred
David & Gail Ellis
Lei-Anne Ellis
Allan & Dorothy Erickson
Jane Falcone
Edward & Jane Farman
Libby & Steve Feldman
Arnold & Marilyn Fish
Jayne & Stuart Fisher
Laura & Richard Fredricks
in memory of Emily Claire Fredricks
David & Fiona Friar
Charles & Judi Friedlaender
Wendy Furlong
Rita Furlong
James & Maxine Frank
Chuck Garman* & Purr McEwen*
John Garvey

Teresa Gaze
in memory of Joseph Gaze
Michelle Gersen & Michael Zweig
Robert & Sue Gerstle
Bruce & Rita Gilbert
Mitchell S. Gilbert
Susan Ginns
Barbara & Ted Ginsburg
Lee & Ruth Glazerman
including a gift in honor of the birthdays of Sonnia & Jay Freilich
Phyllis Glazerman
Jerry & Roberta Goldman
Colin Goundrey
Julia & Robb Grace
Maureen Grant
Robin Greenspan
Robert Gross & Barbara Wacholder
Arthur & Gloria Grossman
Daphna Gutman
Alice Hackman
Anne & Henry Hagenah
including a gift in lovely memory of Lorraine “LD” Donnelly
Fran & Michael Hamburg
Mark & Theresa Hanford
Carole Hart & Diane Tufaro
Scott & Tina Hayward
Jane Heffner Charitable Fund
in memory of Harold & Jane Heffner
Lynn Hertzog
Kelly Hill
Katherine Hoak
including a gift in memory of Beth & Lynne Schirmer
Nancy Holmes
in memory of Amelia Jennifer Beatty
Steven & Susan Hovani
Lynn Howard
Jan & Jim Huebner
Diane & Ed Iannuccilli
Ellyn Ihrig
Minna Immerman
Alex Jack
Cynthia & James Jensen
Esther & Jerald Jewell
Ann Jon
Leslie Jones
Iva & Lenny Kalikow
Judith & Roger Kamm
Brian & Tonya Keener
Joan Keener
Jules & Susan Kerman
Warren Kiersh
Helen Kimball
Garth & Marianne Klimchuck
Judith Koppel
Ann & David Krawet
including a gift in memory of Margie Rosenthal
David Labrecque & Rebecca Perry
in honor of Richard J. Labrecque
Bev & John Lambert
Karen Landsman
Bruce Lederer & Sandy Machson
Rose Lederman
Aviva & David Lee-Parritz
Peter Lehrer & Harriet Stolper
Michael & Tina Levasseur
Linda Levernoch
Mark Levernoch
Michael Levin
Adele Levine
Len & Sherry Levine
James Levy
Barbara Liftman
Daniel Lilly
including a gift in memory of Bob Podolski
Nan & Allan Lipton
in memory of Eve Cholmar
Diana London
Joanna London
including a gift in memory of Alma & Alvin Rosenson
Paul London* & Paula Stern*
Karen Ludington & Tom Lynch
David Lyons
Robin Magistrali
Edward & Laura Mahoney
Jane Markham
Leslie & Richard Marx
Massini/Reedy Family
Sara Matson
Janet McKinley
Meg Megas & Mark Schnopp
Nicole Menage
Katie Metter
Chuck & Paul Miller
The Miners
Keith & Linda Minoff
Jeanne Morano
Lorraine Morissette
Ann, Mat, Nadine, & Jack Morrison
Timothy Morrison
John R. Morrow

Bev & Gerry Nacheman
Arthur Nappo
Ed Neumuth
David & Elizabeth Oakes
including a gift in memory of Mary-Louise Nickerson
Michael & Robin O’Grady
Fred & Jessica Olefson
John Osthoff
Rolf Pardula
Pat Parkins
Dan & Marcia Parnell
David Pearson
Floyd Pease Sr & Madeleine VanOrman
Andrea & David Pecor
including gifts in memory of Amelia Jennifer Beatty & Jeff Piemont
Margie Rosenthal
Arline Potash
including a gift in memory of Leonard Potash
Djuna Perkins and Joshua Coben
in honor of Michael Perkins
Amy Perlmutter
Jeff & Lisa Piemont
Judy & Michael Pillinger
RCF Giving Fund Fund, a Donor Advised Fund of Renaissance Charitable Foundation
Anne & Hans Riemer
Barbara Roberts
in memory of Lucille Pell
Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas Rockoff
Kathleen Post & Margaret Rodriquez
Kathleen Rodhouse
Margie Rosenthal
Ruth & Steve Rosenthal
including gifts in memory of Marjorie Rosenthal and in honor of Joan Goldberg’s 60th birthday
Lydia Rosner
Sara Ross
in honor of Nana
Bonnie & John Sandel
Lucy & Philip Sandler*
Sapir Family
Debbie Sawyer
in memory of Michael Sawyer
Donna Schaefer
Schuman/Brown/London/Ottinger families
in honor of Ronni Schuman Brown who appreciated the book discussions and spirit of the Becket Athenaeum
Schwartz Family
Ruby Senie
Linda Shaw
Betty Sheinkman
David & Debbie Sheridan
Clark & Marcia Silcox
Kim Sinopoli
Evelyn Skelly
Carlos & Sara Sluzki
Ann & Ken Smith
Sally Soluri
Theresa Sorrentino
in memory of Joseph Sorrentino
C. Smolinksy
Dick Spencer
David & Ruth Stein
Mary & Scott Street
Hannah Sukonick
Ann C. Sullivan
Marilyn Taylor
Cathy & Henry Terwedow
John Thier
Elizabeth Thomson
Daniel Thornton
Beth & Warren Tischler
Deborah & Neil Toomey
Naomi Torrisi
David & Wayne Van Zandt
in memory of Genevieve Van Zandt & Lucile Pell
Pat Wint
Alan & Laurie Walker
Maria Wallington
Aurelia Walsh
Doug & Geri Walter
Lisa Warren
Warren Family
Celeste Watman
Lee & Robert Watroba
Elizabeth Watson
Laurie Weinstein
Lynn & Michael Weisberg
Valerie Welts
Andrea Wiley
including gifts in in memory of Marilyn Wiley
Consuelo & Jeff Wilkinson
Amy Wishingrad
Joseph C. Witruk
Robin & Stan Wolkoff
in honor of Sheldon Berger
John & Patricia Young
Joanne Zannoni