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Community Resources
Food Banks & Community Meals
Health: COVID-19 Information
Health: General Health Resources
Health: Mental Health and Preventing Violence Resource
Health: Physical Health and Wellness Resources
COVID-19 Information
Community Resources
Berkshire Community Action Council, Inc. - Assist low-income residents of Berkshire County towards achieving sustainability and self-sufficiency.
Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation Neighbor-to-Neighbor Fund - Provides emergency assistance for local residents who are in economic distress.
Mass211 - Connects people with resources and services in Massachusetts. Whether you need food, housing, child care, domestic violence, or other assistance, dial 2-1-1 or search online.
Food Banks & Community Meals
Please call the location to be sure of times and requirements. Please bring your own bags or boxes.
Becket Food Pantry Held at the Becket Federated Church Parish House
3381 Main St, Becket
413-841-1701. Emergencies: 413-623-5217
1st & 3rd Saturdays of each month, 9 to 11am
For Becket, Washington, and the surrounding Hilltowns
Free Pasta Dinner sponsored by Becket Federated Church
3381 Main St, Becket
1st Friday of each month, 5 to 7pm
45 Railroad St, Lee
Saturdays 10am to noon
Serves Lee, Stockbridge, Otis, Becket, Tyringham and Lenoxdale
First Congregational Church of Lee, 25 Park Pl, Lee
1st & 3rd Wednesdays of each month, 4:30 to 5:30pm
Please enter and exit via the office door to the left of the church. There is no cost but donations are accepted, and it helps to bring your own bag.
Dalton United Methodist Church
755 Main St, Dalton
Tuesdays 4 to 6pm
Open to Berkshire County residents
The Food Bank of Western Massachusetts Mobile Food Bank Held at the Dalton CRA
400 Main St, Dalton
413-247-9738, ext. 121
4th Wednesday of each month, 11am to Noon
Rain or shine
No proof of eligibility required
Bring your own bags
St. Agnes Church
489 Main St, Dalton
Thursdays 5:30 to 6pm
For Dalton and Hilltown residents only
Mental Health and Preventing Violence Resources
If you need help, please reach out.
National Suicide Prevention Hotline
text TALK to 741741
For domestic violence & sexual assault support:
(866) 401-2425
(413) 499-2425
National Domestic Violence Hotline
To report child abuse: Department of Children & Families
(413) 236-1800 Monday - Friday: 8:45 am-5:00 pm
For victims of crime: Berkshire District Attorney's Office
call/text 1-855-275-8927
Veterans 101 Resources for Student Mental Health
Discovery Place: 11 Tips to help an alcoholic family member or friend
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Physical Health and Wellness Resources
General Health Resources