We are part of CW MARS, the largest consortium of libraries in Massachusetts!
Visit our online catalog to see all items that we have in our collection. If you are having issues accessing the catalog, clear the cookies & cache from your browser.
In order to request items or view current check-outs, you will need to login. If you are interested in digital content such as e-books and e-audiobooks, visit our E-Catalog page to learn how to use Libby.
Do you need help finding your next read? Visit NoveList Plus (login required) for fiction and non-fiction reading recommendations for all ages including read-alikes, listen-alikes (audiobooks), professional reviews, lists, and award winners.
Search for items by keyword, title, author, format, etc. If you don’t find an item in our catalog, change the “Library” field to “All C/W MARS Libraries” and then click “Search.” Once you find an item you would like to borrow, select “Place hold.” You’ll be directed to login if you have not already done so. Detailed instructions on using your CW MARS account are available here as a pdf.
Library card number or user name: your 14-digit library card number (ignore spaces)
Password: last four digits of your phone number
You can change your user name and password after logging in. If you don't remember your password (or your library card number), complete the form below to reset your password.
To reserve a museum pass, please call, email, or stop in.
Sign up for an ecard here to gain almost immediate access to electronic materials, such as e-books, e-audiobooks, magazines, and databases.
To become a patron with physical borrowing privileges, please register here for a library card.
Curbside Services: If you'd like physical items (books, DVDs, etc), you can visit our catalog and place holds. We will fill orders as quickly as possible and notify you when the items are available for pick-up from the library (at your convenience).
If you are interested in items not owned by the Becket Athenaeum, we always welcome patron requests and interlibrary loans (ILL) services are available by placing holds in CW MARS. ILL requests will take 1-2 weeks to arrive at our library.
If you don’t have a CW MARS card or your Becket Athenaeum card is expired, you will need to update your contact information by emailing or completing this form.
Please place your returns into our exterior dropbox near the bottom of the ramp or, if coming inside, place in the red basket on the circulation desk.
If you cannot find what you are looking for in CW MARS, try searching Commonwealth Catalog which provides interlibrary loan access to the catalogs of any library in Massachusetts!
In order to request items, you will need to login.
Select your library: Type or select from dropdown menu: BECKET ATHENAEUM
Enter your library card number
Pin: last four digits of your phone number (unless you changed it when accessing our catalog in CW MARS)
Reset Your Password
Your password is initially set to the last 4 digits of your phone number. If you don't remember your password (or your library card number), reset it here.