
Approximately once or twice per month, we email a newsletter to our patrons with the goings-on around the library. Click the links below to read the most recent editions (newest at the top, links open in a new window).

Use the form at the bottom of the page if you'd like to receive these directly in your inbox.

March 14 - Final Big Read Events Announced!
February 24 - We need to hear from you!
February 14 - February School Vacation at the Library!
February 1 - Movie Night for Adults, Mindful Making for Teens, and more!
January 19 - New programs added and nature journaling next week!

December 31 - How can the Athenaeum help you in 2025?
November 29 - Gift-making stations available throughout December, only hours left in our Online Silent Auction, and now accepting teen intern applications!
November 14 - Bidding is now open in our Online Silent Auction! Plus, sign up for a basket making workshop with Elizabeth Whyte Schulze!
October 31 - Navigating By the Night Sky tomorrow and Becket Day on Saturday! Plus our online Silent Auction launches on November 14!
October 4 - Enjoy a variety of in-person and virtual programs this autumn!
September 24 - Climate Change Panel with Environmental Leaders and Homesteading 101 with Taz from "Alone!"
August 30 - This weekend is our last Book & Bake Sale Fundraiser of the year & The Becket Athenaeum Big Read launches in September!
August 1 - Ice cream, storytelling, local authors, and more - don't miss our August programs!
July 17 - Poets David Giannini & Gary Metras at Noon Tomorrow, July 18!
July 3 - Book & Bake Sale Fundraiser This Weekend and So Much More in July!
June 14 - Music for kids TOMORROW! And, Summer Reading 2024 has begun!
June 5 - There’s so much happening at the Athenaeum in June!

May 5 - Now hiring teen interns plus lots to do at the library for all ages!
April 18 -  Recycle Your Eclipse Glasses! Poem in Your Pocket Day and Game Night are Happening Today
March 24 - Prepare for the ☀️Eclipse! Start planning your garden with our Seed Library and Gardening Toolkits!

Interested in other local happenings? Check out The Becket Beat and the Community Calendar on the Town of Becket website.