Library of Things
As the concept of the sharing economy has blossomed, public libraries across the world have been inspired to incorporate nontraditional items into their catalogs. The opportunity to borrow an infrequently used item can save a patron money and storage space as well as potentially lessen the impact on the environment. We are fortunate to be able to offer a Library of Things (LoT) of unique and interesting items (Things) to our patrons. We want these to be available to a broad range of community members and thus, have instituted the following policies.
All Things may be checked out for a three-week period, may not be renewed, and must be returned to the circulation desk during library open hours.
Games & puzzles may be renewed twice and our standard Overdue Policy applies. All other Things may not be renewed and will accrue a fine of $5 for each day past the due date. This fine will accrue only on days when the library is open since Things must be returned during open hours. For example, if a Thing is due on Tuesday but not returned until Saturday, the patron will owe $15. The maximum fine will be $25. When checking out a Thing, the patron will be informed of the fine for late return.
If a Thing is overdue, the patron will be restricted from all borrowing until the Thing is returned. If a Thing is damaged or not returned, the patron will be responsible for the cost to repair or replace the item (which can be several hundred dollars) and will be restricted from all borrowing until the debt is paid. If the item was checked out under a child’s account, the above restrictions will apply to both the child & guarantor’s account.
If a patron’s account is restricted due to any other overdue/lost item(s), they are restricted from borrowing Things until their full borrowing privileges have been restored. Refer to Loan Periods & Overdue Policy for details on restoring borrowing privileges.
Due to safety concerns, certain Things may only be checked out by persons 18 years and older. Requests to borrow any Thing may be declined at the discretion of the Librarian or Executive Director.
Revised 3/4/2024
Available Items:
Color Fabric Markers
Jewelry Tools
Language Arts: Rhyming Words, Sight Words
Math: Addition, Angles, Division, Multiplication, Subtraction
Gardening Toolkits
Backpack Field Kits includes items to use on a hike such as binoculars, collapsible net, compass, insect collection tool, and more!
Kitchen Equipment including unique cake pans
Electric Guitar
Metal Detector
VHS to DVD Recorder
Themed boxes filled with materials & instructions for science experiments and activities for you and your family to enjoy at home.
Themes: Water, Magnets, and Archaeology
Created by the children in the Friday Enrichment after-school program led by Sarah Reedy.
For your convenience, each game’s parts and quantities are collected into resealable bags and clearly labeled. Please note that some games may have fewer parts than the manufacturer lists on the box or in the instructions. These are pieces that do not affect the game’s playability. Please refer to the CONTENTS LIST included in the game or the individual BAG LABELS to confirm the actual type and number of pieces that are included. Before returning, please confirm that all parts are accurately counted, clean, and in their appropriate bags, and please replace the rubber band or tie the yarn on the game box to avoid spillage of contents.
If a game is returned with minor pieces missing (for example, generic dice, boardgame pawns), we will attempt to locate replacement parts and contact the patron for reimbursement.