Discover how household and garden debris can become a rich supplement to your garden, add to the health of your plants, create a living system that delivers nutrients to the root systems and gives you a bit of a well needed workout! We are all a bit out of shape from our time of isolation and it is a joy to move the body in ways that will strengthen the muscular system, get you outside to rhythmically breath in our cleaner air and achieve the goal of making a compost system that works.
Outdoor under tents (behind the Mullen House, across the street from the library)
Rain date: TBD
Seating is on grass. Bring your own blanket or chair.
Preregistration appreciated:
This program is funded by grants from the Becket Cultural Council, the Central Berkshire Fund of the Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation, Fairfield County’s Community Foundation, and Neenah Tech Charitable Giving.