Enjoy the children’s story Worth the Wait written and read by Lynne Scott with her collaborative illustrator Laurie Lemrise. The story is about the sandhill cranes that have been nesting and breeding in Worthington for the past several years.
What birds live around us in the Berkshires? Where do they all go in the winter? Do any stay for the whole winter?
Following the story, Zach Adams of Mass Audubon, Pleasant Valley Wildlife Sanctuary will discuss the fascinating and enjoyable birds that spend their summers in New England as well as their incredible journeys and adventures they endure to survive the winter. From Sandhill Cranes to Sparrows, Warblers, and Chickadees, we will enjoy an inviting discussion about our birds of the Berkshires.
Outdoor under tents (behind the Mullen House, across the street from the library)
Rain date: TBD
Seating is on grass. Bring your own blanket or chair.
Preregistration appreciated: bit.ly/BA-storytelling
This program is funded by grants from the Becket Cultural Council, the Central Berkshire Fund of the Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation, Fairfield County’s Community Foundation, The Feigenbaum Foundation, and Neenah Tech Charitable Giving.